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More than 150 satisfied customers in first year!

A screenshot review from Charles

Charles Edward Tumbel

Seiko Sportsmatic Deluxe 7619-7020S
A screenshot review from Arifin

Arifin Hadi Kurniawan

Citizen Automatic 21 Jewels Vintage
A screenshot review from Yusuf

Yusuf Kurniawan

Seiko 5 Automatic SNKA07
A screenshot review from Ujang

Ujang Eko

Seiko 5 Automatic with Textured Dial
A screenshot review from Arifin Hadi

Arifin Hadi Kurniawan

Citizen Automatic 21 Jewels Tank Vintage
A screenshot review from Richard Kyle

Richard Kyle

Seiko Dolce quartz cal. 9521-5110Circa March 1985

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